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Special package DBA 5000 XS drilled front discs and Ferodo DS2500 pads - Audi R8 / RS4 B8 / RS5 B8

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Special package DBA 5000 XS drilled front discs and Ferodo DS2500 pads - Audi R8 / RS4 B8 / RS5 B8

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Regular Price: € 1,429.00

Special Price: € 1,357.55

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Quick Overview

One pair of performance drilled front discs DBA 5000 XS & two sets Ferodo DS2500 front pads.

Fit to:
Audi R8 / RS4 B8 / RS5 B8
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Regular Price: € 1,429.00

Special Price: € 1,357.55

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Product Description

DBA 5000XS

"T3 Slot 48 precision CNC machined slots"
- Tri-Symmetrical curve slots dampens the vibration harmonics or noise
- A quieter, responsive and smoother brake pedal feel
- Increased number of out-gassing exit points for brake pad friction gasses to escape through
- Increases the consistency and effectiveness of every brake stop
- Universal slot design
- Eliminates the need for left and right discs

Kangaroo Paw – 144 diamond and tear drop pillar ventilation system
- Increased surface area resulting in greater heat dissipation
- Minimises brake fade and increases braking effectiveness
- Increased surface area resulting in greater heat dissipation
- Prolongs service life for both pads and rotors. Reduces mechanical damage and associated costs

XG150 High Carbon Alloyed Iron
- An increase in thermal capacity property allows the rotor to handle constant extremes of heat over extended periods of time
- Minimises warping and cracking and prolongs the service life of the rotor
- Special formulation designed to respond to DBA’s TSP process
- Minimises warping and cracking and prolongs the service life of the rotor

Thermographic Temperature Monitoring
- Heat paint markings change colour at specific temperature thresholds Offers the driver a clear indication of peak braking temperatures
- When temperature thresholds are exceeded paint markings will permanently change colours Allows the driver to monitor rotor fatigue and decide on rotor replacement and to assist resellers with warranty claims

Paint protection on non-friction areas
- Reduces corrosion Stops any unsightly rust formation
- Enhances appearance Adds value to the product

Ferodo Racing DS2500

DS2500 is amongst the foremost high performance track day pads in the business.
It is also suitable for some light duty front and many rear pure race applications.

It offers excellent refinement for such a high performance pad.

The main characteristics of DS2500 are:
- Track day & light race use for all vehicle types
- Road style refinement but with race material ability to withstand heat with respect to life and µ
- Average friction coefficient of 0.42 over working temperature range of 20°-500°C

Please note, Ferodo DS2500 pads come without any pads thickness sensors, as each sport pads

Additional Information

Product code DBA52834WSLVXD/FCP1664H
Thickness [mm] 34
Minimum thickness [mm] 32